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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

"Listen, Listen, Speak" (Jay Y. Kim)

TITLE: Listen, Listen, Speak: Hearing God and Being Heard in a Noisy World
AUTHOR: Jay Y. Kim
PUBLISHER: New York, NT: Faithwords, 2024, (256 pages).

We want to be heard and understood. More often than not, people tend to mistake one for the other. In this social media culture, visibility is often linked to those who can speak the loudest, share the most, and attract the most attention. That is not always true. In fact, once the dust settles, we can see that there is more than meets the eye. Our world tends to be filled with all kinds of noises. Many clamour for attention but few bother to listen. In a wonderful push-back against the temptations of a noisy world, author Jay Kim has written an important book about learning to listen doubly hard before speaking. He calls us to distinguish "clarity" from "volume" by saying: ".. loudness often grabs our attention, it’s clarity that holds our attention. Grabbing attention is transactional. Holding attention is relational." Wise words. Listening is a key spiritual discipline. Elijah practices it. Jesus lives it. We are all called to do the same. Unfortunately, there are many barriers to listening. The author begins by helping us take down these barriers.

In Part One, he shows us the pitfalls of the lack of listening. With the rise of fake news and the malicious use of AI technology by scammers, we all need to learn the basics of discernment.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

"Worth Seeing" (Amy L. Williams)

TITLE: Worth Seeing: Viewing Others Through God's Eyes
AUTHOR: Amy Lyn Williams
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2024, (232 pages).
Our society often elevates the externals over the internals, the visible instead of the invisible. In many developed economies, people rush headlong toward attaining the 5Cs: Cars, Cash, Condominiums, Credit Cards, and Country Clubs. With that, people tend to gravitate toward those who are famous, rich, and powerful. Fact is, not everyone can be world famous, materially rich, and powerful. What happens to the rest of us? What about the marginalized and those despised by society? Can we learn to see all people for who they are, regardless of their reputations or ill-repute, poverty or riches, seen and unseen? More importantly, how do we learn to see our fellow human beings the way that God has intended for us to see? Beginning with the story of how Sarai mistreated Hagar in Genesis 16, author Amy Williams shows us that amid Hagar's depressing situation, God sees her and encourages her. God assures her that even when the world do not, God sees her for what she is worth. As one who ministers frequently to gang members, high-risk youths, and people who fell into a life of crime, she calls herself a "Hope Dealer." She also works as a "female gang-intervention specialist and juvenile justice advocate." The key is to learn to see people from God's point of view as best as we can.  Williams shows us the four fundamental ways of seeing:

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

"Matthew Through OT Eyes" (David B. Capes)

TITLE: Matthew Through Old Testament Eyes
AUTHOR: David B. Capes
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic, 2024, (392 pages).
Recently, there has been a spate of literature and biblical resources to interpret the Old Testament from New Testament eyes. A key contribution was G.K. Beale's and D.A. Carson's edited collection of articles in "Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament." This has helped to spur modern readers to read the Old Testament with greater fervour. Whether it was the prophets or kings, scribes or teachers, disciples or record-keepers, Old Testament or New Testament authors, all were "Old Testament" people.  In fact, the Old Testament Scriptures were the only ones they had. Yet, even today, many think of the Old Testament as outdated and irrelevant, preferring the New Testament texts over the Old Testament. This is partly the fault of the nomenclature where the words "Old" and "New" erroneously shape our perception. That is why some scholars prefer to rename the Bible into "First Testament" and "Second Testament" respectively. At that time, the Scriptures were written in a particular context relevant to the hearers.  Modern readers will need to bridge the ancient and modern contexts. Thankfully with this resource, the work of researchers, scholars, and teachers are made available for us.12` 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation" (Kevin DeYoung)

TITLE: The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation
AUTHOR: Kevin DeYoung
PUBLISHER: Wheaton, IL: Crossway Publishers, 2024, (48 pages).

Many churches are clamouring for more young people in their congregations. The average age of a North American Church today is above 40, and greying fast. This is a statistical parallel to an aging society. That is why many Church leaders desire young people to step up in leadership for the next generation and beyond. Desires however is one thing. Designing an appropriate strategy is another. Along with that is the inter-generational gaps that often lead to clashes and misunderstanding between the young and the old. Whether it is about the worship wars, traditional vs contemporary music, the generational makeup of leadership boards, the various programs for the young and not-so-young, the common theme is similar: Reaching the next generation is easier said than done. Is there a secret to doing that in the first place? Author and pastor Kevin DeYoung realizes that there is no simple answer to that important question. In trying to explain his strategies that to him is not so secret, but not to others, he titles this book with a catchy "not-so-secret" secret.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

"Walking the Theological Life" (Timothy R. Gaines)

TITLE: Walking the Theological Life: Discovering Method for Theology in the Lives of Biblical Characters
AUTHOR: Timothy R. Gaines
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Academic, 2024, (216 pages).
Mention the word "theology" and one will might see people roll their eyes. Some prefer to leave theology to the theologians, scholars, pastors, and seminarians.  Others might think it is simply an ivory-tower exercise with minimal practical use. Still, some people deem the study of theology as plain boring. This might have to do with some places that put too much stress on methodologies. What if theology is an invitation to ponder upon the revealed narratives in the Bible? What if it is to cultivate a sense of wonder from the lens of God? In this book, author Timothy Gaines invites us to ponder and wonder on how God leads 12 Bible characters through their ups and downs of life. Allocating a chapter for each character, Gaines unearths from it theological virtues and how God knew these people intimately. In Jeremiah, we learn about the mutual intimacy of God and Jeremiah in knowing each other. Sometimes addressed as a "weeping prophet," his humble life witnesses for God. In Jacob, we learn the theological virtue of wrestling, especially in times of grief and pain. Sarah is an interesting character. Gaines highlights her laughing incident as a way to learn of theological humour. Often painted in a negative light, Gaines expands our understanding of laughter as an act to trigger a reaction. I have heard people saying "Do not take life too seriously" as a way to lighten up or relax. It is tempting to view Sarah's laughter negatively. Gaines tells us to consider a broader theological perspective of the use of laughter in life.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

"The Sacredness of Secular Work" (Jordan Raynor)

TITLE: The Sacredness of Secular Work: 4 Ways Your Job Matters for Eternity (Even When You're Not Sharing the Gospel)
AUTHOR: Jordan Raynor
PUBLISHER: Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook & Multnomah, 2024, (224 pages).
One of the most popular resources for Christians is to find meaning in everyday work. The interest revolves around questions about practicing one's faith in the world. What does faith in the marketplace mean? How do we live the spiritual life in an increasingly secular world? What does it mean to be a Christian in the workplace? What should we do if our workplaces forbid us from practicing our faith? Does our work really matter? What does gospel living look like? In this book, author Jordan Raynor asserts that our work not only has "instrumental value" on earth, it also has "eternal intrinsic value" to God. "By "instrumental value," it means our work matters because it can be an opportunity to explicitly share the gospel with people we work with. "Intrinsic value" refers to how our work matters even when we are not explicitly sharing the gospel. The Great Commission should not be the "only" commission in life as it might give us a flawed sense of living as a Christian in an unChristian world. The primary reason is that though He lived with the gospel in mind, Jesus never turned everything into a "Great Commission" act. Many of his simple acts are that of care, compassion, care, and common living. One observation that the author makes is how the focus on the Great Commission Only is only a recent phenomenon. The Early Church did not have that distinction between sacred and secular lives. In fact, the words "Great Commission" did not even show up until the 1800s. In other words, the reason why so many today are asking how our work matters to God, is due to the mental separation of sacred and secular worlds. After listing the five ways we have misapplied the Great Commission, Raynor also enlarges the understanding of work beyond mere paid careers. This forms the major part of the book that looks at how we can live out the gospel in 99% of the time when we are not explicitly "sharing the gospel."

Monday, April 8, 2024

"Christian Academic Writing" (Benjamin L. Merkle & Adrianne Cheek Miles)

TITLE: Christian Academic Writing: Twelve Practices and Principles for Becoming a Successful Writer
AUTHOR: Benjamin L. Merkle & Adrianne Cheek Miles
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024, (pages).
Is academic writing only for academics? No. Is it limited only to people with writing experience? Not really. Is it difficult to even write to publish? Difficult but not impossible. Writing is hard work. Getting it published is even harder. Yet, we should not be deterred by anything difficult. Let our passion for sharing our knowledge and experiences inspire us to write. One cannot be a successful writer without first becoming a writer. Read widely but also write frequently. Just like the title says, this book looks at 12 "practices and principles" to encourage Christian writing as an academic writing. Although both authors come from different backgrounds, their purpose for writing this book is similar: To encourage Christians to write and share their knowledge and expertise with the public. It is not a how-to-write book. It is a book that gives "practical and proven advice" to encourage writers to write. Professors, pastors, teachers, anyone with advanced degrees, or those with lots of working experience can benefit from this resource which aims to bring more people into the writing fold. They do not mince their words when they say writing is hard work. Indeed it is. Sometimes, becoming too distracted by any perceived difficulty can put off any aspiring writer. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

"Does Christianity Still Make Sense?" (Bobby Conway)

TITLE: Does Christianity Still Make Sense?: A Former Skeptic Responds to Today’s Toughest Objections to Christianity
AUTHOR: Bobby Conway
PUBLISHER: Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2024, (224 pages).
Why should anyone believe in God? Why are there so many scandals in the Church? Aren't Christians a bunch of hypocrites? How can Jesus be the only way to God when so many people have not heard of him? Did Jesus really rise from the dead? These and many more are covered in this insightful book of answers to 20 of the most difficult questions about Christianity. Calling himself a "chronic doubter," author Bobby Conway takes us on an honest journey through these difficult questions to show us that Christianity not only makes sense, it gives us hope. He gives us answers that are down to earth and explains his reasons in an open conversational way. He writes this book for the following reasons. First, the present cultural climate is increasingly secular and anti-Christian. Second, the Church has a credibility problem. Third, Christians are perceived to be intolerant. Fourth, many Christians do not know how to deal with many basic objections. Apart from these, people regularly ask about the age-old problem of evil, pain, and suffering. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

"Crisis of Confidence" (Carl R. Trueman)

TITLE: Crisis of Confidence: Reclaiming the Historic Faith in a Culture Consumed with Individualism and Identity
AUTHOR: Carl R. Trueman
PUBLISHER: Wheaton, IL: Crossway Publishers, 2024, (216 pages).
Why should anyone take creeds seriously? Why do we need creeds when we have the Bible? Why should churches incorporate creedal statements especially when the words are not in the Bible? Are not the creeds some old-fashioned documents that are no longer relevant for our era? What will we lose if we ignore the creeds? What is the crisis of confidence all about? Essentially, this book is a vigorous pushback against the modern notion of "expressive individualism" that threatens to unseat the use of confessions, creeds, and many aspects of tradition. Author Carl Trueman spends some time unpacking what he means by this. He notes how "expressive individualism" has taken root in many aspects of life. Feelings have dethroned the importance of facts. Science assumes that the present and future are better than the past, which unwittingly creeps into the philosophical domain when understanding religious truth. Consumerism militates against historical truths. Other reasons against creeds include the state of antiauthoritarianism, rejection of authority, and the fear of exclusion just because one recites the creeds. He then makes a case for the use of creeds in churches today. He outlines the history of creedal statements, showing us the contexts behind each written creed. This is not something that only the Early Church had done. With the Reformation, even more creeds were published. Groups outside the mainline stream also possess confessions and creeds, even though they were not written in the traditional forms. One of the key things that enable us to worship in spirit and in truth is the use of creeds to remind us that worship is not about self-expression but about corporate confession to God and for God. The big truth is, that creeds do not necessarily take the place of Scripture but affirm biblical Truth in concrete ways. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

"Trust" (Dominique Shelton Leipzig)

TITLE: Trust.: Responsible AI, Innovation, Privacy and Data Leadership
AUTHOR: Dominique Shelton Leipzig
PUBLISHER: Charleston, SC: Forbes Books, 2024, (399 pages).
It is not easy to trust what we see today. From Artificial Intelligence to Deep Fake technologies, it is becoming easier to manipulate data for illegitimate ends. With innovation comes the tendency for cheating and criminal activities. Data security is critical to preserve the integrity of businesses and maintain positive public trust. All it takes is a data leak, hacking, systems malfunction, or an infiltration of ransomware, and the corporation's activities easily come to a standstill. According to Dominique Shelton Leipzig, the problem with modern corporate boardrooms is that data management is typically delegated to backroom staff, like data scientists or IT professionals. Some don't know the right questions to ask about their data in the first place. This calls for a more proactive approach when dealing with data and information in the company. Data stewardship cannot be left to consultants, or engineers in the data center, or outsourced to cheaper IT professionals outside. They need to be managed responsibly. Senior management needs to be held accountable. Data breaches and data security lapses cannot be blamed on data center staff. CEOs must take an active interest in the integrity and use of data in their organizations. With more businesses and information being collected and stored both inside and outside the organizations, there needs to be a heightened awareness and responsibility about its collection, management, protection, and usage. Companies of all sizes need a proper data strategy. The thesis in this book is that to re-establish trust in organizations, it is high time for senior management to take leadership of their corporate data as a critical asset. In Leipzig's words, one must "lead with trust." That means three things:

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

"Prayers for the Pilgrimage" (W. David O. Taylor)

TITLE: Prayers for the Pilgrimage: A Book of Collects for All of Life
AUTHOR: W. David O. Taylor
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2024, (208 pages).
There are many different ways that Christians can pray. From Sunday worship time to daily thanksgiving over a meal, prayer is a sign of devotion to God. It is a reminder that for all of our talents and know-how, we still need God. Many Christians learn to pray using the ACTS acronym: Adoration-Confession-Thanksgiving-Supplication. Each of them helps us focus on a particular form of prayer. Whether it is for worship or prayers for forgiveness, gratitude, or request, we can connect with God in all circumstances of life. For the most part, people have understood prayer in terms of asking for things, especially when they are in dire need. Realizing this great need, author David Taylor has collected a series of prayers for all occasions and for all of life. He calls these "collect prayers." What is a "Prayer of Collect?" There are written prayers focused on a specific item. Traditionally, the mainline churches like the Roman Catholics, the Anglicans, and other Protestant churches have used the term "collect" as a way to describe collecting all forms of prayer requests, needs, and desires for God to take action. It recognizes that God loves His people and this world and the prayer is a way to connect us with God, trusting that He knows and will assure us that things will be well, even when we feel helpless and hopeless. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

"Hard and Holy Work" (Mary Alice Birdwhistell and Tyler D. Mayfield)

TITLE: Hard and Holy Work: A Lenten Journey through the Book of Exodus
AUTHOR: Mary Alice Birdwhistell and Tyler D. Mayfield
PUBLISHER: Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2024, (122 pages).
Traditionally, devotionals on Lent tend to focus on self-reflection and quiet meditation. While it is a good spiritual practice to be mindful of the meaning of Lent, sometimes it can be accused of being impractical in a world of trouble and despair. Is there more to simply fasting and praying? Can we adopt practices that will lead us toward betterment for the common good? How can Christians observe Lent without forgetting that although they are not of the world, they are in the world? This book was inspired by the life of the Trappist monk, Thomas Merton, who found himself smack in the middle of Fourth and Walnut in Louisville, Kentucky, to be awakened to the needs of the world, and what God is prompting one to do: Paying attention and awakened to work toward justice. Using the book of Exodus, the authors highlight themes of liberation, justice, faithfulness, storytelling, and attentiveness to the marginalized. Useful for individual and group studies, each week contains stories from the Exodus narrative and ends with invitations to reflect, engage, and respond. These three invitations are summarized as "Paying Attention," "Sharing Together," and "Taking Action." 

Monday, February 5, 2024

"Practices for Embodied Living: Experiencing the Wisdom of Your Body" (Hilary L. McBride)

TITLE: Practices for Embodied Living: Experiencing the Wisdom of Your Body 
AUTHOR: Hillary L. McBride
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2024, (160 pages).

Our experiences do not define us. Our real selves do. Our bodies are not simply what we have but they are who we are. We are more than mere subjective people. We are valued for who we are and not what we do. All that we encounter in this life, the highs and the lows, can all be experienced in the very bodies we have. Unfortunately, many people still have not learned how to appreciate their bodies. In doing so, they fall victim to lies and myths that throw negativity to their physique or biological selves. Lies such as the need to subdue our bodies because they are inherently evil; that some bodies are better than others, or fat bodies are unhealthy, etc. As our bodies get devalued, we become disembodied beings. Disembodiment separates our physical selves from the rest of our mental and emotional faculties. Embodiment brings all of them together. More importantly, we are called not to learn or relearn what our bodies are or represent. We simply need to remember that. These and many more underline the premise of this book, which is to bring back a healthy appreciation of the bodies we have so that we can live well. This also means we need to see personhood in a holistic manner: Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Socially, and even Spiritually. Besides helping us address lies we tell ourselves, this book also looks at the violence on our bodies, such as stress and trauma; illnesses, injuries, and pain; oppressive forces; self-esteem; etc. 

Friday, February 2, 2024

"Gender as Love" (Fellipe do Vale)

TITLE: Gender as Love: A Theological Account of Human Identity, Embodied Desire, and Our Social Worlds
AUTHOR: Fellipe do Vale
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024, (272 pages).
One of the biggest contentions today in the Church has to do with gender. In the past, there used to be constant debates about what it meant to be male or female, and what roles they were supposed to be playing. Then we have the feminist movement that pushes back against male dominance. Those issues remain active in many parts of society but are increasingly eclipsed by debates surrounding multi-gendered definitions and nuanced multi-dimensionally. Today, the line between male and female is increasingly blurred. The core issue is not sexuality but what it means to be human. Realizing that gender issues are becoming more divisive each day, we need to have a way to talk about these matters rationally and theologically. Thus, this book probes the biblical understanding of gender sexuality and tries to make sense of it in an increasingly complex social construct today. Simply put, it is to shed light on the question: "What is gender?" and How do we understand gender theologically? With so many different theological interpretations today, how do we do "theological theology?" Author-Professor Fellipe do Vale kicks off by laying out the categories in terms of two "bifurcations":
  1. Divisive Philosophy: Between proponents of gender as "Essence" vs that as "Social Construct."
  2. Divided Theology (Methodological): One anchored on modern academic discipline and the other on traditional beliefs.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

"Waiting in Gratitude: Prayers for Joy" (Walter Brueggemann)

TITLE: Waiting in Gratitude: Prayers for Joy
AUTHOR: Walter Brueggemann
PUBLISHER: Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2024, (148 pages).
Prayer is more than asking for things. Prayer is listening to God. It is cultivating our relationship with God. Whatever it is, regardless of emotional conditions, we can all pray to God at all times. Having written considerably on the prayers of lament, author and retired professor Walter Brueggemann focuses on the movement of tears, desperation, and pain toward joy. Savoring the "peculiarities" of our life's journey, we turn our very living from lament to waiting, from waiting to gratitude, and from gratitude to joy. How do we do that? Begin with the why. Continue with the "chewing of the world" of ups and downs. Finally, arriving at complete joy. Brueggemann reasons as follows: "The sum of these prayers is to voice our life back to God in wonder and gratitude for God’s “countless gifts” that are indeed beyond our counting. We nevertheless continue to count them!"

Indeed, praying is learning to count our blessings and this book is designed to help us through our journey of life. Part One comprises prayers for all kinds of occasions. From anniversaries to baptisms, birthdays to confirmations, weddings to memorials, Brueggemann shows us how we can pray for all occasions. With the help of hymns and Scripture, he guides us to look to Jesus in acknowledging the present with gratitude and look to the future with hope. He has prayers for individuals, for those in specific vocations in life, and in particular, for those called to the ministry. Part Two takes us deeper into what it means to experience joy in Christ. No longer about specific occasions or callings, the prayers reflect a longing for God. Using the created world as a platform for prayer, Brueggemann weaves his prayers and tightens them with biblical texts and principles. Some of the prayers can also be used as congregational prayers. Many of the prayers are steeped in Scriptural reflection. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

"The Practice of Remembering" (Casey Tygrett)

TITLE: The Practice of Remembering: Uncovering the Place of Memories in Our Spiritual Life
AUTHOR: Casey Tygrett
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2023, (216 pages).
"Memories light the corners of my mind," so sings Barbra Streisand in one of the most cherished classics of the modern age, "The Way We Were." As author Casey Tygrett writes, "Without memory, there is no formation," that we are "memory-made people," and that without memories, "we cannot become." We are who we are by learning and remembering. Whether it is writing a memoir or penning a journal, our acts of recalling something are crucial aspects of being. Using the various aspects of "experiences, memories, stories, and scripts," Tygrett guides us through an amazing journey of the practice of remembering. 

He helps us explore the four movements of remembering: 
  1. Like shells that possess incredible memories, we first bring forth these shells;
  2. Honest engagement with the implications;
  3. Create stories out of these implications;
  4. Explore how God is molding us through these.
All these can be sparked with one prompt: "I remember the moment when ________."

Friday, January 19, 2024

"The Lost World of the Prophets" (John H. Walton)

TITLE: The Lost World of the Prophets: Old Testament Prophecy and Apocalyptic Literature in Ancient Context
AUTHOR: John H. Walton
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2024, (192 pages).
What comes to mind when we hear the words, "prophets," "prophecies," and "prophetic word?" For many, prophets are seen as "predictors" of the future, and "prophecies" are like future events waiting to be fulfilled. Such an understanding has unfortunately crippled the original meaning of what biblical prophecies mean. Calling this situation a "lost world of the prophets," esteemed author-professor John Walton helps us to recover the original meaning according to the Bible and to rediscover a deeper understanding of the different types and forms of prophecies. The author laments how prophetic books have been misunderstood by so many people. The "potential misuse" includes the unhealthy focus on end times (eschatology) and the use of prophetic texts merely to prove Jesus' deity (apologetics). He says that both of these are paths toward "fulfillment" theology. Using "cultural rivers" as a metaphor, he reminds us that if we want to understand the biblical prophecies, we need to soak ourselves in the biblical cultural river. At the same time, we need to avoid superimposing our modern cultural rivers on the Bible. This book is essentially about helping us swim and rediscover the lost world of the prophets. Walton guides us through five parts, each part leading us through the history, the process, and the ways to interpret the events based on the original authorial intent. The whole process is detailed and informative. Each part delineates various aspects of understanding the ancient cultural rivers. Using sixteen propositions as titles, Walton supports each proposition with examples and alternative readings. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

"Rethinking the Police" (Daniel Reinhardt)

TITLE: Rethinking the Police: An Officer's Confession and the Pathway to Reform
AUTHOR: Daniel Reinhardt
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2023, (224 pages).
The general perception of the Police force has taken a beating these days. From Michael Brown to Breonna Taylor, Daniel Prude to George Floyd, instances of police brutality on minority communities are becoming far too common. Those who claim that the issue is due to individual racists will have to explain why in 2023, five African American policemen killed Tyre Nichols, a black. According to author Daniel Reinhardt, the problem is beyond individuals. It is embedded in a system that nourishes systemic discrimination. In other words, if the perpetrators are guilty, the environment that breeds them is worse. As a 24-year-veteran of the police force, Reinhardt knows the system from the academy to street patrols. The question remains. If law enforcement agencies, courts, the federal agencies are aware of the problem, then why is there so little progress for better policing? Reinhardt puts his finger on the lack of changes from the inside out. With so much attention on external factors, internal factors have unwittingly been minimized. These factors refer to culture, worldview, and "implicit social structures." He goes on to describe the three key cultural factors: "Social distance," "Unchecked power," and "social structures."